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Supsis, with the rapid advancement of technology, businesses are turning to new solutions to strengthen customer experience, increase their efficiency and gain competitive advantage. Supsis Chatbot takes communication to the next level and optimizes business processes by offering unique solutions in various sectors. In general, anyone who has a high customer density, has a customer, or wants to lighten their workload can use Supsis with peace of mind.

Some Areas Where Supsis Chatbot
 is Used

Supsis Chatbot System: A Solution for Your Needs in Every Sector!

Supsis Chatbot System, with its wide range of uses, offers solutions for the specific needs of your business and industry. Discover Supsis to make communication smarter and more effective!


Instantly answer customer questions, offer product recommendations and improve the shopping experience. Increase customer satisfaction in e-commerce with Supsis Chatbot System.

Finance and Banking

Get instant answers to questions about account information, loan applications and payments. Manage financial transactions more securely and quickly.

Health Services

Use Supsis Chatbot System for appointment booking, health information inquiry and general health questions. Provide support to your patients quickly and effectively.

Hotel Management and Tourism

Help your customers with hotel reservations, flight information and local recommendations. Manage travel plans more easily.

Education and Training

Use Supsis Chatbot System to provide support for student registrations, course schedules, exam information and consultancy services. Increase your satisfaction rates by managing your educational institution’s business processes more effectively and quickly.

Betting Industry

Optimize customer experience with Supsis Chatbot System. Increase your customer satisfaction by providing fast and personalized services and gain an advantage in sectoral competition.

Supsis Chatbot

Increase your sales and customer satisfaction withChatbot

Supsis Chatbot System welcomes you with a special opportunity! Are you ready to push the limits now? All you have to do is perceive the system and dive freely into your creativity! Supsis will be with you every step of the way, offering you unlimited opportunities. With your humble builder, bringing your ideas to life is now even more exciting. Meet the Supsis Chatbot System right now and add freedom to your creativity.

Supsis Chatbot

SupsisGet your own chatbot platform

No matter where your customers are, you can reach them to drive more results for your business.

More Sales

More Earnings

Saving Money

24/7 Accessibility

2FA Security

Technical support

What Does a Chatbot Do?

No matter where your customers are, you can reach them to drive more results for your business.

Makes Reservations

By integrating with the reservation system, special reservations can be created for available dates.

Provides Support

Can offer customers all learned support systems and solve their problems.

Makes Sales

With the «chat bot», the customer can find the product he wants and purchase it by paying, without any guidance.

Tracking of Cargo and Stocks

Since it is integrated with your system, it can track your products, stock numbers and cargo.

Can Create Label, Department and Ticket

Our representatives can assign by departments and create a ticket for you in offline mode if you prefer.

Organizes Customer Surveys

It can offer all the surveys you want to offer to your customers.

Customer relations management

You can store customer information, track communication history, and offer custom solutions for customer relationship management.

Social Media Integration

By working integrated with social media platforms, you can promote your products, manage customer interactions and support your marketing strategies.

Manage your connection with your customers through different channels Telegram Instagram WhatsApp
 for free.


Best price
Supsis with Live Chat

What is Chatbot?

As a result of the rapid change and development in technology, many innovative solutions to facilitate and improve communication between businesses and users have entered our lives. One of these is “chatbots”, which are being used more and more widely in many different fields.

A chatbot can basically be defined as a program or artificial intelligence system. Today, chatbots, which are frequently used by businesses and service providers to communicate with users more interactively and quickly, are automated conversational tools that can speak to users in a natural language, answer users’ questions and perform certain tasks using artificial intelligence technologies.

Chatbots, which usually interact with users using text-based chat interfaces, are designed to have the ability to ask users questions, understand user commands, provide information or perform specific tasks. However, it is possible to design chatbots for various purposes such as answering customer questions, performing a specific task or providing information.

A chatbot is essentially a computer program designed to simulate conversations with users, especially over the internet. In customer service, chatbots can be used to answer common questions and help customers find the information they need. Messaging applications can be integrated into a variety of platforms, including websites and mobile apps, and can be designed to understand and respond to a wide range of user inputs.

However, while some chatbots use NLP, or natural language processing, to understand what users are saying, others use rules-based systems that can only respond to specific commands or keywords.

A chatbot is essentially a computer program designed to simulate conversations with users, especially over the internet. In customer service, chatbots can be used to answer common questions and help customers find the information they need. Messaging applications can be integrated into a variety of platforms, including websites and mobile apps, and can be designed to understand and respond to a wide range of user inputs.

However, while some chatbots use NLP, or natural language processing, to understand what users are saying, others use rules-based systems that can only respond to specific commands or keywords.

How Does a Chatbot Work?

Chatbots fulfill the commands given by adhering to the workflow determined by technology developers in accordance with the rules in question. This workflow is basically a kind of scenario. Chatbots communicate with users depending on the determined scenario. On the other hand, chatbots are not a software that acts only on a scenario basis. Because the software has its own artificial intelligence technology in the background.

However, the ways of using the artificial intelligence technology behind chatbots are also different. The most commonly used chatbots can be classified under 3 main categories as menu, expression and dialog based.

Menu – Word Based Chatbot Systems

Menu-word based chatbot systems have lower technology than other types of software. This type of software does not have artificial intelligence or natural language processing technology. Therefore, the number of operations that word-based chatbots can perform is limited.

Word-based chatbots are mostly activated when the user clicks on the menu button and types their requests. It matches the words typed by the user and finds the appropriate result. However, the system may not be able to perceive the entire sentence written by the user. On the other hand, providing ready-made responses based on words provides significant benefits, especially in repetitive tasks.

Expression Based Chatbot Systems

Phrase-based chatbots may involve technologies such as natural language processing and machine learning. Such chatbots can recognize and make sense of the sentences written by the user as a whole. The software functions more efficiently in short conversations. When the dialog continues, the system may have difficulty following the conversation from beginning to end and responding in context. In this context, it is not possible for expression-based chatbots to answer a question while answering related questions.

Dialog Based Chatbot Systems

Conversational chatbots utilize cutting-edge technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning and deep learning. Artificial intelligence-based conversational chatbot systems are not limited to word or phrase-based working principles. It also makes sense of the written expressions. It can also follow the flow of dialog and respond appropriately.

The most important feature of dialog-based chatbots is that they can have long conversations and stick to the topic flow. In this respect, they are considered the most successful chatbot types. Because the system detects the topic of the conversation and conveys the right information rather than responding automatically.

Chatbots basically have two different answering methods, reactive and proactive. The reactive system is activated when the user asks a question and fulfills the answering function. It does not come into play until the user asks a question or requests a solution. The proactive system, on the other hand, sends automatic responses to the user for informational or warning purposes and is frequently preferred in e-commerce and finance sectors. If the user replies to the message, the proactive system starts a dialog.

Why Chatbot?

Today, many businesses use various digital tools to increase customer satisfaction, optimize service processes and strengthen interactions. Chatbots have the ability to respond to users instantly as they can be active 24/7. This allows customers to find solutions to their questions instantly, day and night.

Manpower-based customer services have limited capacity and higher costs. Chatbots reduce costs and make business processes more efficient. It also remembers users’ previous interactions and offers experiences tailored to user preferences and needs.

Chatbots that perform specific tasks quickly answer repetitive questions instantly, allowing users to reach a solution quickly without waiting. Chatbots can interact with many users at the same time and perform different tasks. Therefore, they are ideal solutions for dealing with intense demands and serving a wide range of users.

How Chatbots Benefit Companies?

-Chatbots can increase customer satisfaction by providing 24/7 service.

-Through automation, chatbots help businesses reduce the cost of human resources required for customer service.

-At the same time, chatbots offer a fast customer service experience with their ability to respond to users instantly. Users can interact and find quick solutions to simple questions without having to wait.

-Chatbots can provide personalized service based on user history and preferences. This means better focusing on customers’ needs and delivering a more effective experience.

-In addition, chatbots can help customers make purchasing decisions by providing information about products and services. They can also help increase sales by providing recommendations to users and can be integrated into marketing strategies.

-Chatbots can be effective in providing fast and accurate information to customers in crisis situations. It plays an important role in protecting the company’s reputation by guiding customers in emergency situations.

What are the Advantages of Chatbots?

-Chatbots offer a user-friendly and fast experience. In this way, they can be used effectively in areas such as customer service and sales.

-Since they can actively serve 24/7, there is no time limitation. Users get answers whenever they want and become a constantly accessible communication channel for businesses.

-Chatbots can relieve customer service departments by answering frequently asked questions. Live agents can focus on more complex issues.

-Chatbots collect and analyze valuable data from user interactions. This data can be used to shape marketing strategies, understand customer needs and improve service quality.

-Advanced chatbots utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to become smarter over time. Their ability to understand users’ language, learn from previous interactions and produce better results is constantly improving.

-Chatbots are used for customer service, sales and information in a wide range of fields such as e-commerce, health, finance, travel and many more.

-At the same time, chatbots support businesses to create a faster, more effective and scalable communication strategy.